Chronic itchiness, dryness, or recurrent rashes might signal a skin ailment termed eczema. At Northstar Dermatology in Texas, the certified dermatologists possess extensive expertise in eczema identification and management. With a range of treatments, from creams to advanced therapies, even for acute manifestations, they provide respite from the discomfort and self-consciousness linked with eczema. Let your journey towards clearer skin begin. Schedule an eczema assessment by getting in touch or setting up an appointment online.
Eczema, or atopic dermatitis, is a chronic skin condition that causes dry, itchy, scaly skin. It can affect children and adults. Scratching can make the skin thickened and discolored and often worsens the itching. Allergies and asthma may be present more frequently in individuals with eczema, but they are not the cause of the condition. Many people outgrow the condition by adulthood, but there are still some that continue to experience symptoms throughout adulthood.
Taking care of your skin at home is vital and can sometimes reduce the need for medical treatments. At home treatments include:
For more severe eczema symptoms, a doctor may prescribe medical treatments that are aimed at calming the underlying inflammation. Treatment can include:
While there is no cure for eczema, the good news is that control is usually possible with treatment. If you are dealing with persistent or severe flare-ups, then it’s time to talk with a dermatologist about ways to better control your symptoms, including prescription level treatment.