Simplify Your Skincare
Skincare can be trendy. With an overwhelming amount of products on the market, people often struggle to find a routine that works. Often, simpler is better with skincare. The key is to find the right products that work for a person’s specific skin type and goals. Follow these 3 steps to establish a personalized skincare routine.
1. Find your favorite cleanser
Experts recommend washing the face every morning and evening. But just grabbing a bar of soap from the shower won’t bring the best results. Knowing skin type is crucial for choosing the best cleanser. For example, people with oily skin may want to look for a gentle cleanser with a low pH level. Patients with dry complexions should avoid products with heavy alcohol content. Those with sensitive skin should steer clear of fragrances, which could be irritating. People that wear heavy makeup want to consider a double cleanse: once to remove makeup, once to clean the skin.
2. Moisturizer that packs a punch
No matter a person’s skin type, finding a moisturizer with sunscreen is crucial. Look for products with SPF of at least 30. Patients with particularly dry skin can also look for ingredients like hyaluronic acid and glycerin to keep skin fresh and glowing. To prevent acne, look for products that are non-comedogenic, meaning these won’t clog pores.
3. What’s your specific concern?
Depending on a person’s skin type and concerns, different products will be more effective. Many patients benefit from using a nightly retinoid for anti-aging. Others may incorporate benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid for acne prevention. People who have especially dry skin may also try a face oil such as jojoba oil, almond oil, or rosehip.
Discover your best skin
In addition to an effective daily routine, little habits build up to make a big difference. Make sure that the water is not too hot or too cold when washing the face. Always wash makeup off before going to bed. If a blemish does pop up, avoiding picking or popping. This will prevent inflammation and scarring. These behaviors, in conjunction with using the right products, can add up to beautiful, glowing skin.
Partner with a dermatologist
Walking through the skincare aisle without any guidance can be especially daunting. A dermatologist can help to determine a patient’s skincare needs and goals. From there, the dermatologist can recommend or prescribe specific products to help patients establish a personalized skincare routine that works.