Myths and Facts About Alopecia
It can be alarming to notice a bald spot of any size, but you’re not alone. Alopecia, which causes hair loss in people of all ages and genders, affects about one in every 500 people. And while it isn’t dangerous from a medical perspective, it can take a toll on your self-confidence. Understanding more about alopecia may […]
Is There a Medical Treatment for My Warts?
When you spot a wart on your skin, images of a wicked witch might come to mind, filling you with embarrassment. But warts are common and nothing to be ashamed of. And while the growths usually go away on their own over time, medical treatment is available to help you do away with the warts quickly and […]
Should I Seek Treatment If My Mole Itches?
Most everyone has at least one mole, and most moles are harmless. But when a mole appears suddenly or starts to change, you might be dealing with cancerous or precancerous cells. An itchy mole is one potential sign of skin cancer, especially if you’re experiencing additional symptoms as well. Rather than wait and wonder, have your mole checked by […]
Why Do I Have Ringworm and How Can I Get Rid of It?
First things first: Ringworm has nothing to do with worms. Still, it’s not a fun condition to deal with. If you’ve been diagnosed with ringworm, rest assured that we can treat it effectively, and the sooner you care for it, the better. You can also take steps to lower your risk of additional infections in […]
Understanding the Common Types of Psoriasis
Your skin is your body’s largest organ, and when you have a chronic condition that affects it, the impact on your life can be significant. An estimated 7.5 million Americans live with psoriasis, with bothersome skin symptoms that most often appear between ages 45 and 65. Understanding which type of psoriasis you have can help ensure proper treatment, […]
Tips for Eczema Care Heading Into Colder Weather
If you or a loved one lives with eczema, you know how bothersome the flare-ups of dry, flaky, inflamed skin can be. Eczema symptoms can be especially challenging during colder months, when numerous factors can irritate your skin. Thankfully, there’s a lot you can do to keep your symptoms to a minimum. At Northstar Dermatology in Richland Hills, […]
We Can Help You Get Rid of Rosacea
Over 16 million Americans have rosacea, and most of them aren’t aware of it. They may chalk their symptoms up to bad skin, without realizing that effective treatment is available. And those symptoms can lead not only to physical discomfort, but to self-consciousness and reduced self-esteem. If you’re showing signs of this inflammatory skin disorder, we can help. […]
Here’s How You Can Avoid Skin Damage This Summer
If you’re like many Texans, summertime draws up thoughts of sunshine, vacation, and balmy beach visits. But along with these positives, summer sunshine can really rev up the risks for skin damage. As temperatures rise, so too should your efforts to protect your skin. At Northstar Dermatology in Fort Worth, Texas, our expert team offers effective sun damage treatments to […]
Rashes To Pay Attention To
Most everyone experiences the red, bumpy, itchiness of a skin rash at some point. And while many rashes clear up quickly on their own or with home care, some rashes indicate a condition in need of treatment. The sooner you get any needed treatment, the more likely you are to feel comfortable swiftly and avoid […]
How To Get Rid Of A Wart for Good
Warts are generally harmless, but they can be annoying. They’re not aesthetically pleasing, can cause pain, and can easily spread to other parts of your body and even to other people. Quite common, warts affect roughly 10% of the population, including as many as 20% of school-age kids. Fortunately, there’s a lot you can do about […]
3 Chronic Conditions That Cause Rashes
Chances are, you’ll experience the itchy irritation of a rash at some point. While some rashes occur only once, others recur or linger on as part of a chronic condition. In a study involving over 12,000 people with itchy rash symptoms, nearly 70% of participants also had a history of a confirmed skin disease. In […]
When To See A Dermatologist About Acne
Virtually no one goes through life without experiencing acne at some point. And while acne has a teenager reputation, over 50% of women and 40% of men age 26 or older develop it, too, according to one study. Regardless of your age, seeing a dermatologist may make all of the difference, especially if your symptoms are severe or […]